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Masar Infrastructure and components| Masar Destination

Main boulevard
and Pedestrian walkways

Safe movement through the separation between pedestrian and vehicle movement

a 3.56 kilometer pedestrian boulevard passes through to connect pedestrians to the Haram Al Sharif area from the western entrance of Makkah easily without hindering the movement of vehicles.

The main boulevard heads towards the Kaaba as the natural extension of the Haram plazas and integrated with 11 pedestrian underpasses across the entirety of the project 

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Safe movement through the separation between pedestrian and vheical movement

Safe movement through the separation between pedestrian and vheical movement

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Masar Destination adopts the concept of holistic mobility to create the environment necessary to enhance lifestyle by delivering safe and diverse solutions for movement

The Mobility network includes a rapid transit bus network and extension of Makkah Metro's network as well as multiple car parks connecting the destination to the western entrance of the city and the holy mosque

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State-of-the-art infrastructure for the next 100 years

The infrastructure includes the Digital ِand telecommunication network that enabls smart cities technology and IOT capabilities A network of public services that includes electricity, water & Sewage utility galleries

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